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Via our unique Kantar Media CelebRate online survey we undertake 1,000 nationally representative interviews focused on the 100 celebrities most relevant to you and the categories you are most interested in. This reveals celebrities’ key attributes and media impact – establishing career ‘hotness’, future expectations and media traction.  

Key Features

CelebRate is used by marketers to discover:

  • Who fits best with their brand as an ambassador
  • The hottest talent to link their brand to
  • The stars who will shone brightest for their target audience

Beyond the core understanding of which celebrities fit best with your brand, further CelebRate services can be included as necessary to better understand specific areas of celebrity influence, including:

  • Social media monitoring – including the value of celebrities to your brand on social platforms
  • Media analysis and meta data collection – including the volume of content a given celebrity is generating online and who they already work with.
  • Advanced analysis – including the value of multiple celebrities to your brand in relation to each other

Related solutions

TGI Global Quick View

TGI Global Quick View provides a holistic global picture of online consumers, including purchase preferences and digital media consumption.

TGI National Datasets

Consumer data and insights for your country: identify target audiences in the markets that matter to you, analyse their use of national and local media brands, and build campaigns that will resonate locally.

TGI Regional Datasets

Built on powerful TGI insights, our Regional Datasets enable enhanced audience targeting through the understanding of consumer behaviour across neighbouring markets – so you can build campaigns that resonate at a local, national or regional level.