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An echo from the past

Our industry finds itself on the cusp of an inflection point with the VOD businesses that disrupted the linear TV model now diversifying their operations. Interestingly, this is a familiar pattern we can trace back in time - offering a fascinating glimpse of what might come next

6 March, 2023

Watch: Overview of The Future Viewing Experience

Louise Ainsworth, CEO EMEA, Media Division at Kantar, shares the most business critical findings from Kantar’s seminal 2022 report, disclosing insights on content and delivery, viewer behaviour, advertising and data

6 March, 2023

Kantar renews Danish radio audience measurement contract

New four-year agreement expands scope of existing radio measurement service first launched in 2007

16 February, 2023

2022: a watershed year for the future monetisation of digital video

2022 has seen significant broadcaster investment in digital-first online services, whilst global platforms have launched linear channels and ad-funded tiers. It’s a convergence of windowing and monetisation strategies that makes reliable audience data even more essential

16 December, 2022

Netflix signs up to Kantar audience measurement in Brazil

Kantar announces that Netflix has signed-up as a subscriber to the audience measurement data service in Brazil

13 December, 2022