Almost a third of British adults intend to watch or attend Eurovsion this year

Next month sees the Eurovision Song Contest hosted in the UK for the fist time in 25 years. Liverpool’s hosting of the event will be an extra attraction for the millions of Brits who plan to watch the iconic singing competition.
Latest monthly GB TGI data reveals that 29% of adults in Britain intend to watch this year’s Eurovision Song Contest, either at home or in person. This is more than plan to watch or attend the likes of such prominent spring/summer events as the F1 British Grand Prix (24%), Glastonbury (19%) and The Proms (16%).
There are some particularly distinctive groups who are likely to claim they intend to watch Eurovision. Our TGI lifestage classification reveals that ‘Primary School Parents’ (live with son/daughter and youngest child is aged 5-9) are 55% more likely than the average adult to do so, whilst ‘Mid-life Independents’ (aged 35-54, not married or living as a couple and do not live with relations) are 34% more likely to watch it. There is also a strong female skew in interest in the competition, with 63% of those planning to watch the event female.
Given the eclectic nature of music at Eurovision, it is interesting to explore the music types that fans of the event are particularly likely to listen to. TGI reveals that Eurovision fans are particularly likely to listen to disco/funk/soul, seasonal/holiday music and indie rock music online compared to the average adult.

When it comes to engaging Eurovision fans, TGI reveals that they are particularly likely to engage with newspapers and magazines. They are 70% more likely than the average adult to agree “I cannot resist buying magazines” and 41% more likely to agree “I read the financial pages of my newspaper.” They are also especially likely to be heavy consumers of cinema, reading news online, addressed mail and live TV.

Eurovision fans are also especially likely to be sustainability-minded. Buying from demonstrably ethical brands is important to many of those who watch the event. More broadly, sustainability in clothing, doing good and offsetting environmental impact are all particularly likely to be important to fans of Eurovision.