Electric cars represent the greatest potential step change within the automotive industry in living memory, with huge private investment and technical innovations supporting adoption.

And yet, over 10 years since Tesla launched its first electric car in the UK, adoption of electric vehicles in Britain remains very far from becoming a mainstream phenomenon.

In our new report we draw upon our TGI consumer data to explore how consumers are engaging with electric cars today and what the opportunities and challenges are for those involved in this dynamic sector.

Highlights include:

  • Top considerations of electric car and petrol/diesel car owners if they were to buy an electric car (cost, mileage on a charge etc)
  • Payment trends: The ways in which electric car owners are particular likely to pay for their cars - and the significance of these
  • Profiling likely buyers: Which life stages and generations are especially likely to intend to buy an electric car
  • Environmental impact: The surprisingly low impact of environmental considerations when it comes to choosing electric
  • Emotional connections that electric vehicle owners have with their cars
  • Key media to reach and engage those planning on buying an electric car

To access the report please complete the form to the right.